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Dec 30, 2017
ARTICLE: I’m a Psychiatrist. Making Gun Violence About Mental Health Is a Crazy Idea | POLITICO
Before the initial shock wore off in the aftermath of yet another horrific American mass shooting—before we knew about the extent of the...

Dec 30, 2017
RADIO: How Mental Health Arguments Hinder Solutions To Gun Violence | KCUR’s Up To Date
Jonathan Metzl speaks to KCUR’s “Up To Date” about claims that gun violence in America is primarily a mental health issue, and not one...

Oct 14, 2017
RADIO: The Aftermath of the Las Vegas Shootings | Dr. Drew
There is never any easy answer in the aftermath of a shooting tragedy, whether politics, mental illness, personality characteristics, or...

Oct 7, 2017
OP-ED: When the Shooter is White | The Washington Post
In the hours and days following the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, politicians and many media outlets reflexively described...

Oct 7, 2017
RADIO: Confronting Modern Mass Shootings | NPR’s On Point
Terror in the streets of Las Vegas. How should Americans understand and confront the now-drumbeat of mass killings in this country. “Is...

Oct 7, 2017
QUOTED: What was Stephen Paddock’s motive? | BBC News
“Everyone has three lives,” Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez once posited. “A public life, a private life and a secret life.” It...

Oct 7, 2017
VIDEO: Profiling the Las Vegas shooter | Raidió Teilifís Éireann
Raidió Teilifís Éireann’s “Prime Time”: Profiling the Las Vegas shooter. The difficulty in profiling the Las Vegas shooter – Miriam...

Oct 7, 2017
VIDEO: Discussing gun laws and gun control in the U.S. | TRT World
Originally broadcast on TRT World. #firearms #guncontrol #law #TRTWorld

Apr 2, 2017
VIDEO: The Psychology of Hate Crimes | BK Live
Image: A Vigil Against Hate Crime – 9 | by lewishamdreamer #BKLive #mentalillness

Feb 25, 2017
VIDEO: Will guns flood New York city under the Trump administration? | BK Live
#BKLive #firearms #law

Nov 30, 2016
VIDEO: Discussing the Possible Future of “Common Sense” Gun Laws | BK Live
#BKLive #firearms #law

Sep 1, 2016
OP-ED: Guns in Donald Trump’s Chicago | The Conversation
Donald Trump’s new outreach to “minority voters” is already showing signs of strain. Soon after the shooting death of Nykea Aldridge,...

Aug 29, 2016
AUDIO: Is Gun Violence Contagious? | Sputnik News
Scientists have found that killing sprees and school shootings in the United States may inspire others to commit similar acts of violence...

Aug 17, 2016
OP-ED: When a parking dispute is also a hate crime | MSNBC
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]They said it was a parking dispute, an everyday interaction between neighbors. That the exchange...

Aug 17, 2016
President Obama’s Executive Action on Guns
President Obama has taken important action toward stemming the tide of gun death in America. As he rightly noted on Tuesday, far too many...

Aug 17, 2016
VIDEO: Do school lockdowns add to the trauma of violence for students? | MSNBC
reposted from msnbc reposted from msnbc reposted from msnbc #MSNBC

Aug 16, 2016

Aug 7, 2016
VIDEO: Why do kids die in the United States and nothing is done about it? | CTV
Originally Posted on CTV News #CTVNews

Aug 7, 2016
VIDEO: What are the effects of viewing mass shootings through the mental health lens? | Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera Originally Posted on Al Jazerra #ALJazeera

Aug 7, 2016
VIDEO: Why do we blame gun violence on mental illness and what about race? | Bric TV
Originally posted on BRIC TV #BricTV
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